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Professional and Amateur Sport Organizations

Did you know an unpaid internship may violate the Fair Labor Standards Act?  Is your organization using unpaid internships in place of full-time positions?  If you answered yes to the 2nd question, your sport organization can benefit tremendously from the background of Dr. Susan Brown Foster, President.  With her twenty plus years experience in the field of sport and academia, Sport Business Consulting can assist your organization in designing a dynamic internship program that attracts top quality candidates.

Too busy at the Baseball Winter Meetings™  to conduct countless interviews?  Dr. Foster will screen interns and employees for you before the meetings so you only meet/interview the ones that are perfect fit. She will also conduct on-site interviews at the annual meetings.  However, Dr. Foster will only accept consulting positions for a maximum of three teams/ownership groups during the Winter Meetings.  Be the first in line!

Dr. Foster can also help you at Career Fairs during certain times of the year. 
Call today to discuss your employment plans!
Contact Dr. Foster via e-mail, or view our Contact page.

College Athletics

Did you know that college students today are graduating with more debt than they can handle?  Is your internship program hiring unpaid interns putting you in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act?  Did you know that a student enrolled for academic credit does not guarantee your organization is not violating the Fair Labor Standards Act?  Don’t be caught in a legal battle!  Let Sport Business Consulting, Inc. help you design your internship program and attract top quality candidates!

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