Graduates of Bachelor’s or Master’s Programs

Graduated and just haven’t landed the all important internship for first career position in the sport industry?  Dr. Susan Foster will be able to assist you by reviewing your resume, cover letters, and intended professional references.  Don’t eliminate yourself from a position by not discussing these all important items with Sport Business Consulting (SBC).  Discounts available for students who have just graduated (within three months)!  SBC will help you lay out a strategic plan for getting into the game!!  

Contact Dr. Foster for your 30 to 60-minute consulting appointment, or to have SBC review your resume and cover letter TODAY!

Contact Dr. Foster via e-mail, or view our Contact page.

Need some resume writing or position application tips? Click on the FREE link to gain immediate tips that could assist and get your application materials to the top of the stack! 
          Free Tips

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